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CPI for Living Necessaries Series
  • WriterDominique Ting
  • Date2024-05-07
  • Views544
Hi! I had some questions about the CPI for Living Necessaries(2020=100)/생활물가지수(2020=100) table in KOSIS:
1. How is 'Food' in this table different from '01.1 Food' in the CPI by Item(Expenditure Category:2020=100) table?
2. I noticed that 'For living necessaries including rent' is repeated in the CPI for Living Necessaries table but these have different descriptors in the Korean table (생활물가지수(2020=100)). How is the last item (전·월세포함 생활물가지수 in the Korean table) different from the third to the last item (전월세 in the Korean table)?
3. How is '전월세' in the 생활물가지수(2020=100) table different from '월세' in the 지출목적별 소비자물가지수(품목포함, 2020=100) table?
Thank you.
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